#124 škoda

meie vähestest reisipiltidest valisin sellise, kus me kõik kolmekesi oleme võõra škoda taustal, mis just tühjal tänaval meist möödus kui taimeriga pilti tegime. aga siin on kõik peal: mari-liis oli külas, laural oli vaba teisipäev, mina niisama puhkan juba mõnda aega ning käisime edela hollandis Veere väikeses külas, tasub minna!


from the few photos we have from our recent daytrips, i picked the one where all of us three are in front of a random škoda which just at this moment passed us on the empy street when taking a photo with a timer. nevertheless everybody is on the photo: mari-liis was visiting us, laura had a day off from her work and i'm relaxing for a while now already. so we took a trip to a small village Veere in Netherlands - and it's worth it!


photo: mari-liis+timer

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